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Data flow/SQL

How many packages did you send yesterday and what service provider did you use? Are your orders dispatched on time? Do you know how many putaway and retrieval operations were completed in the last month? How long does it take your pickers on average to process your orders? And how many items have they picked in this period? On this course, you will discover the right table in LFS for the information that will answer these questions. Following the data flow in LFS, we cover all the important files you need to perform meaningful analyses. We show you the tables that are completed - and in what order - in a step-by-step demonstration of the processes from goods incoming to goods outgoing. The course also provides an introduction to the SQL database query language as a basis for the rest of the content covered. We also cover connecting from Excel to LFS. Customers with LFS V8 get an introduction to the Querymanager tool as well.

Training details

Target group:

Controllers or participants who deal with analyses, figures and indicators for KPI.


Course objectives:

 You will get to known the data flow from goods incoming to goods outgoing in LFS. You will know what files are completed at what point in the process, you will be familiar with important fields in the individual files, and you will be able to query simple key figures.


Prior knowledge:

No previous knowledge required


Length of course:

2 days

Day 1 Data flow in goods receiving and goods dispatch

  • Delimitation of the LFS-internal processes for the communication with external systems  
  • Overview of the most important LFS files     
  • Documentation of the LFS databases  
  • Data flow in goods receiving  
  • Files in goods receiving and important database fields   
  • Data flow in goods dispatch  
  • Files in goods dispatch and important database fields   
  • Introduction to the query language SQL  
  • Queries for goods receiving and dispatch processes  
  • Deepening of data flow and SQL knowledge, practical exercises

Day 2 Deepening of SQL knowledge

  • Deepening of data flow and SQL knowledge, practical exercises  
  • Special data flow handling: serial numbers   
  • Variants, batches/lots, BBD   
  • Maintenance of queries using the LFS Query Manager  
  • Executing queries using the LFS Query Manager   
  • Export of the query results to Excel