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On this course, you will learn all aspects of using XSLfast and how to design documents in LFS. The course covers the basic principles and Printmanager, as well as the structure and the general communication workflow. How do I use and position different field types? What options are there for adapting barcodes and handling tables? We also cover advanced functions in XSL-FO Designer, how to create conditions and how to use indicators in detail with practical exercises to enhance your understanding.

Training details

Target group:

Participants who work with XSLfast and change or adapt documents.


Course objectives:

After the course, you will be familiar with the functions of the different file types. You will know the paths that are used for input and output and how the layout files are exported. You will be able to change or adjust the layout of documents yourself.


Prior knowledge:

Basic courses


Length of course:

2 days

Day 1 Agenda

  • Maintenance of print settings in LFS
  • XML and XSL structure
  • Export of XML files
  • Connection between the file types, LFS and the PrintManager
  • Configuration of the PrintManager plug-in
  • Introduction to XSLfast
  • Program and display structure
  • Special characteristics; export of layout files
  • Working with the XSL-FO Designer
  • Use and positioning of different field types
  • Inserting images (logo)
  • Modification of barcodes using XSLfast
  • Table handling

Day 2 Agenda

  • Use of header and footer records
  • Different header information
  • Grouping
  • List printing using templates
  • Use of indicators; definition of conditions